Tire Studding
Pricing Chart
13 - 15"
Per TireTaxes not included16 - 17"
Per TireTaxes not included18 - 19"
Per TireTaxes not includedFAQ’s
What are studded tires?
Studded tires involve the process of inserting metal studs into the tread surface of the tire.
What are the benefits?
In ice or slush conditions, studded tires will bite into the road, where non-studded tires will simply slide, providing you with peace of mind in our treacherous Canadian winters.
Are studded tires right for me?
This greatly depends on the roads you typically drive on. Studded tires make a large difference ice and slush, but don’t add any additional grip in snowy conditions.
Will studs damage my tire?
Studs will not damage your tire, as they will wear with the tread of your tire.
When can tires be studded?
Tires can only be studded when brand new.
Sounds great, whats the catch?!
– As studded tires are basically metal spikes sticking out of your tire, they can cause road damage if driven on dry pavement. Due to this, many provinces will have a specified date as to which you can run studded tires. Failure to comply can result in fines. Saskatchewan and Alberta currently have no restrictions on studded tires.
– As expected, studding will make the tire louder. However, the trade off for peace of mind is well worth the tapping noise.